Friday 30 March 2018

Digital Marketing News: New AdWords Tool, Global Digital Adspend Up, LinkedIn Video Filters

Google's new AdWords Keyword Planner Tool Released

Google AdWords Releases New Keyword Planner Tool
An updated and more feature-rich Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool has been released, including a newly-designed forecasts area showing a unified overview and the ability to add multiple keywords in bulk, all now available to anyone with access to the latest iteration of the AdWords experience. Search Engine Journal

Forecast: Digital Advertising Pulling Away From TV on Global Basis
New research from Zenith forecasts big gains for global digital ad revenue, increasing a lead built last year and pointing towards a 44.6 percent share of total ad revenue by 2020. With the U.S. and China leading the 2017 through 2020 adspend growth forecast, mobile will be the biggest contributing medium. Marketing Land

Users Worry About Facebook Data: Plan To Use Less, Stop Altogether
Facebook users have said they’ll cut their time on the site or, in some cases, leave entirely, according to new survey data from Raymond James. 44 percent of respondents were “very concerned” about Facebook’s use of their data, while 40 percent said that they were “somewhat concerned,” with 8 percent planning to stop signing in completely. MediaPost

EU Antitrust Chief Keeps Open Threat to Break Up Google: Report
As it drafts transparency regulations for technology firms, the European Union hasn’t ruled out splitting Google into smaller companies, and holds “grave suspicions” about the firm’s dominance. Reuters

Google Starts Rolling Out Mobile-First Search Index
Google’s long-anticipated migration to mobile-first indexing has begun, with the Internet giant on Monday announcing a roll-out in notifications to an increasing number of websites. MediaPost

LinkedIn Just Launched Some Snapchat-Like Features for Video Creators
New text styles, video filters, and other Snapchat-like options have recently debuted on LinkedIn, which said that video is being shared at rates 20 times that of other content types. AdWeek

Facebook Will No Longer Show Audience Reach Wstimates for Custom Audiences After Vulnerability Detected
Marketers using Facebook’s custom audience targeting will no longer see campaign reach estimates, after researchers discovered a possible privacy exploit and the social media firm suspended the popular metric. Marketing Land

Instagram Now Lets You Link to Hashtags and Other Profiles in Your Bio
Linkable biography hashtags and the ability to link to other profiles are two features that have recently been added to Instagram, as the company moves towards a more interactive online bio. The Next Web

Snapchat Bulks Up Location-Based Ad Targeting & Launches In-Store Analytics Tool
New location-based ad targeting features have been rolled out to marketers by Snapchat, including three tools aimed at pinpointing geographic points. Marketing Land

B2B Marketers Need to Get Ready for GDPR
With the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) May 25 compliance deadline looming, as few as 15 percent of B2B marketers may be fully in-step with the upcoming requirements. Chief Marketer

Google News Initiative Kicks Off With Subscribe With Google, Other Efforts
Details about a new “Subscribe With Google” framework for publishers were announced by Google in New York City Tuesday, along with a Google Analytics-based publisher dashboard. Marketing Land


Marketoonist Personal Data Comic

Take a humorous look at personal data and terms of service – Marketoonist

BREAKING: Aging Punk Marks Himself Safe on Facebook Following 7 Second Break Up – The Hard Times

Mark Zuckerberg Prepares For Congressional Testimony By Poring Over Lawmakers’ Personal Data – The Onion

The Glory That Was Yahoo – Fast Company

You Are What You ‘Like’ – Psychology Today


  • TopRank Marketing Blog – Top 75 Content Marketing Blogs & Websites For Content Marketers — FeedSpot
  • Lee Odden – 20 Inspiring Digital Marketing Experts That You Need to Know — Digital Doughnut

Be sure to check in next week, when we’ll be sharing all new marketing news stories, or you can follow us at @toprank on Twitter for even more timely daily news. Also, don’t miss the full video summary on our TopRank Marketing TV YouTube Channel.

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Wednesday 28 March 2018

How to Survive the Social Media Midlife Crisis

Time moves faster on the internet. Last month’s memes are about as relevant as a 1920s vaudeville show. Even a bona fide viral phenomenon from just a few years ago seems quaint and dated. Twitter and Facebook are only 12 and 14 years old, respectively. But they’re aging at internet speed. And right now they’re having a midlife crisis. Instead of buying a sports car and taking up craft brewing, though, that crisis is manifesting as existential dread and intense soul-searching. The people who run the platforms are publicly examining their purpose and societal impact. More importantly, the people who use the platforms are asking tough questions:
What am I getting out of my time spent here? Who is this platform structured to benefit? Should I be trusting my data with this platform? Is this a positive or negative thing I have let into my life?
As marketers, we have to ask ourselves the same questions. And we should add one more: Is our social media marketing valuable to our audience? If we’re not adding value, we’re adding to the problem. Social media is in crisis right now. But that doesn’t mean marketers should abandon ship. It means we have to do our own soul-searching. We need to take our social media accounts off of autopilot and approach them mindfully. Here’s what marketers should consider as we weather the social media midlife crisis.

How Does Your Social Media Marketing Make People Feel?

A recent Hill Holliday report found that a majority of 18-24 year olds were at least considering abandoning social media. Over a quarter said that social media hurts their self-esteem or makes them feel insecure. Thirty-five percent said there was too much negativity, and 17% said they were considering quitting because social media makes them feel bad about themselves. Connecting with your brand on social media should make a person feel better. They should feel that your brand shares values with them, is paying attention to them, can help meet needs and solve problems. It’s worth evaluating what your brand is posting on social to make sure it’s helping spread positivity. The old days of scaring or shaming people into buying a product are more than over. The overarching message of any brand on social media should be some variant of: “This is what we’re like. If you’re like that too, you’re awesome. Here’s some help you didn’t even know you needed. Here’s something to make your day a little brighter.” [bctt tweet="Connecting with your brand on #socialmedia should make a person feel better. They should feel that your brand shares values with them, is paying attention to them, can help meet needs & solve problems. - @NiteWrites" username="toprank"]

Is Your Brand Using Social Media to Be…Well…Social?

Let’s be honest with ourselves, shall we? No one opens their Facebook app saying: “Gosh, I hope I have some satisfactory brand interactions today.” People use social media to connect with other people — you want to see if your high school best friend had her baby, check out your uncle’s kitchen remodel, or see pictures of your parents’ second honeymoon. Most brands on social media have been pretty lousy at giving people that type of person-to-person interaction. Which explains why people are moving their conversations out of the public eye, into private groups in apps like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. How can brands be more social on social media? It starts with transparency and honesty. I love Wendy’s’ sassy Twitter account as much as the next jaded Gen X’er, but snark only takes you so far. Use your social media posts to introduce the people behind your brand and the values they stand for. Then aim for meaningful interaction: When someone reaches out to the brand, make sure the reply is prompt, personal, and useful. [bctt tweet="How can brands be more social on #socialmedia? It starts with transparency & honesty. - @NiteWrites" username="toprank"]

Is Your Brand Connecting with People Your Audience Trusts?

At the heart of it, there’s a limit to how well your brand can connect with individual people. Even when you’re honest, transparent, and engaging, a brand is still not a human being. The relationship dynamic will always be a little strained. That’s one of the many reasons why influencer marketing works so well. Influencers can co-create content with you and amplify it to their audience on a much more personal basis than your brand could manage on its own. Find the people your audience already follows — in other words, the ones they want to interact with. Then work with these influencers to bring their audience great content that only your brand could have helped create. Working with influencers helps put the personal, social touch back into social media marketing. It puts the emphasis of your brand interaction where it belongs: person to person. [bctt tweet="Working with influencers helps put the personal, social touch back into #SocialMediaMarketing. - @NiteWrites" username="toprank"] Read: Death of Facebook Organic Reach = Opportunities for Influencer Marketing

Getting Beyond the Crisis

When social media platforms first launched, most of us jumped right in. We found our high school classmates. We connected with friends from college. We added co-workers and family members and friends of friends, and we shared everything. Over time, we developed routines. Now, people are finally starting to analyze just what social media means to them. Most will keep their accounts open — but the majority will change the way they interact with the platforms. Sound familiar? Most brands jumped headfirst into social media, developed routines, and then many of us went on autopilot. Now it’s time to question what we hope to get out of social media, and whether our tactics are getting us closer to those goals. And most importantly, making sure our goals match what our audience wants from us. Need help with social media marketing? We have you covered.

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Monday 26 March 2018

Better Together: Why Your Content Marketing Campaigns & Always-On Programs Should Work in Harmony

Campaigns + Always-On Strategy = Content Marketing Harmony

Campaigns + Always-On Strategy = Content Marketing Harmony Regardless of industry or niche, nearly all B2B marketers—91% to be exact—are focused on leveraging content marketing to reach, resonate and inspire audience action. But budget and resource constraints and lofty lead generation goals—not to mention increasing buyer numbness to marketing messages and the extinction of organic visibility on social media—means you have to get scrappy when designing a content marketing strategy that drives toward business goals. Oftentimes, this leads brands and marketers to focus on content marketing campaigns to quickly generate buzz, spike awareness and foster audience engagement. However, in our experience, campaigns alone will not help you reach your short- and long-term marketing goals. Why? They’re simply not sustainable. Campaigns create spikes in activity that can quickly die out if there’s not a significant investment in ongoing promotion—specifically paid promotion. But does that mean it’s time to drop campaigns from your marketing mix? Absolutely not. Quite the opposite, actually. Campaigns should be intertwined with an overall, always-on strategy to create marketing harmony and get the ultimate value out of all your efforts. Below I highlight a few reasons why.

#1 – Integration enhances your nurturing capabilities.

Content marketing aims to create multiple touchpoints with your audience whenever and wherever they’re searching—and wherever they may be in the funnel. Campaigns can absolutely drive valuable spikes in traffic, engagement, or conversions, as well as help you target specific audiences or verticals. But you need to be able to nurture the audience you’ve built beyond the confines of the campaign—otherwise you’re not only wasting your budget, but also leaving longer-term value and opportunity on the table. By building campaigns as part of your overall strategy, you can nurture your audience or leads more effectively, as well as enhance the buyer’s journey. [bctt tweet="By building campaigns as part of your overall #ContentMarketingStrategy, you can nurture your audience or leads more effectively, as well as enhance the journey. - @Alexis5484" username="toprank"]

#2 – Integration helps you get the most out of your campaigns.

Campaigns are often used for promoting a new idea or product, or generating or leveraging the buzz around an industry conference, event or hot topic. But once the newness wears off or the event passes, your campaign can become stale if you fail to iterate on the content or neglected to consider how it could enhance your other efforts. Regardless of how successful your campaign is, your work shouldn’t stop once you’ve released everything into the wild. You want the momentum to continue so you should be continually optimizing your campaign for maximum performance and longevity. But campaign content is also the perfect repurposing candidate, helping fill your editorial calendar, find opportunities for extending the conversation, and enable you to experiment with other content forms—all while helping you keep the people, trends or topics covered in the campaign top-of-mind. The bottom line here is that you can get more out of your campaign by thinking strategically about how the content can be refined and used again and again to drive continued success. [bctt tweet="You can get more out of your #contentmarketing campaign by thinking strategically about how content can be refined and used again and again to drive continued success. - @Alexis5484" username="toprank"]

#3 – Integration helps you build stronger influencer relationships.

If you’re looking to add influencers to your marketing mix, a campaign featuring influencer talents and perspectives can be a great starting point. Oftentimes, an influencer campaign will feature multiple experts and content types, but it’s anchored by a big and snazzy asset—which not only gets influencers excited about what they co-created with you, but for future opportunities, too. But the key to influencer marketing success is building lasting relationships that are mutually beneficial—not just reaching out when you have a need. Baking ongoing influencer relations into your overall content marketing strategy will help you focus on building those relationships, while also boosting your campaign efforts. [bctt tweet="Baking ongoing #InfluencerRelations into your overall #ContentMarketingStrategy will help you focus on building those relationships, while also boosting your campaign efforts. - Alexis5484" username="toprank"]

#4 – Integration helps you create a steady drumbeat.

There’s no denying that campaigns are invaluable for generating buzz and excitement, but once the campaign has run its course that excitement and relevance will fade. By coupling your always-on program with campaigns, you have the opportunity to create a steady drumbeat of awareness and thought leadership to drive traffic, engagement, and leads, while also adding pops of variety to reinforce your brand and give your audience a little something special. [bctt tweet="By coupling your always-on #ContentMarketing program with campaigns, you have the opportunity to create a steady drumbeat of awareness & thoughtleadership. - @Alexis5484" username="toprank"]

Strike Balance & Harmony

At the end of the day, there’s no doubt that campaigns can be wildly effective and successful. However, those results aren’t sustainable if there isn’t a larger integrated strategy backing it up. So, when it comes to developing your next campaign, think critically about how it can enhance within your overall content marketing strategy, how you can sustainably promote and repurpose content, and create harmony to get the most bang for your buck. Looking for more B2B content marketing insights or inspiration to help you recalibrate your strategy, check out this roundup of six B2B brands using content marketing to fuel their business.

The post Better Together: Why Your Content Marketing Campaigns & Always-On Programs Should Work in Harmony appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

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Friday 23 March 2018

16 Hyperlocal Marketing & Advertising Strategies to Drive Growth in 2018


Hyperlocal marketing is a form of super targeted and niche marketing. For instance, it can be a marketing campaign targeting a specific city and the shoppers within that city. In addition, hyperlocal marketing is a buzzword gaining prominence because businesses of all sizes are seeing the benefits of local and time-sensitive marketing.

Moreover, small businesses don’t have to worry about spending money on national ad campaigns just to induce incoming traffic. Hyperlocal marketing can even be focused on one block. Targeted, and localized, marketing is less overwhelming.

Businesses can focus on a smaller number of shoppers within a very specific area. As a result, the marketing effort is much easier to implement, personalize and measure. Continue reading to learn more.

1.Understand the fundamentals

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If you’re ready to change everything about your advertising results, then hyperlocal marketing is the answer you need. In fact, it’s the oldest form of marketing around.

Before the Internet, TV and radio, hyperlocal marketing was the only advertising method available. Local merchants had to advertise locally to survive.

This form of marketing became a buzzword in 2009, and for good reason. It is a system of marketing focused on a well-defined area within the local community.

For businesses, this is advertising very close to home—including within walking distance. It targets the local community. While it started as a buzzword, hyperlocal advertising is here to stay because it works.

One of the first expressions of hyperlocal marketing was word-of-mouth. But, people can only go around shouting about their wares for so long. So, today, we have the Internet and various forms of media. Not to mention, everyone is online, including local communities.

You can start by incorporating hyperlocal strategies online. One effective method is by first optimizing your Google My Business Page. When people search for local businesses and place, they will see various places pop up on their Google Maps application.

For instance, if you type “Tex-Mex restaurant,” Google Maps will show you the nearest restaurant serving that type of food. But, what if your business doesn’t appear for relevant searches in your local area? If you find that to be the case, then it is important to optimize your Google My Business page. Just follow these steps:

  • Enter all your data (physical address, category and phone number)
  • Confirm your location
  • Respond to as many reviews as possible
  • List the correct hours
  • Include high-res photos

It’s also crucial to understand how Google scores local ranking. Here are their criteria:

  • Distance (how far is your business from the local search query)
  • Relevance (does it match what is being searched for?)
  • Prominence (How popular is your business? How much information, links and articles does Google have on your business?)

The only way to get better local Google rankings is to perform the above steps and to understand the criteria used.

There is another fundamental of hyperlocal marketing: getting local reviews. According to this recent survey, 25 percent of consumers will leave reviews if they have had a really good experience. Interestingly enough, the key to getting more reviews is to create an environment where you deliver the best customer experience possible for every customer.

This includes fine-tuning your quality control measures, training your staff regularly and ensuring everyone puts the customer’s needs first. When customers leave feeling exuberant about your business, they are more likely to post a good review.

And, there is nothing like a verifiable and positive review. You can also place signage on your walls, window clings or on your receipts telling customers that you would appreciate online feedback. Another way to get more reviews is to train staff to mention how much your business would appreciate a review.

Of course, you want to be delicate with how you communicate this desire. Don’t say, “Rate our business!” after every checkout. Instead, train your staff to judge each situation and if the customers seem to be enjoying the service and products, then your employee might say something along the lines of, “If you enjoyed your time here, we would appreciate your help in leaving a review about our company. We’re trying to get more local business.”

Also, tell them where they can leave online reviews so that they don’t have to figure it out on their own.

  1. Make the most of deal sites

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One of the most popular daily deal sites is Groupon. Despite the company’s ups and downs, it remains a major daily deals player, nine years after its launch. To date, around 1 billion Groupons have been sold. In addition, the site has 32.5 million customers in North America and 16.6 million customers internationally. So, it makes sense to utilize daily deal sites for attracting more local customers.

Of course, there are many daily deals sites to choose from. Yet, they all work similarly–organizing deals based on location and niche/genre. So, how can your company use daily deals as part of your hyperlocal marketing strategy? Well, people love discounts, especially when finances are tight, or the economy is down.

Who doesn’t love getting a $50 meal for $25? So, get ready to attract a lot of new customers if you market and offer coupons in this space.

It’s also a way to introduce your company to consumers who are not yet familiar with your products or services. A deal is a proven method for luring customers to try your offerings. There is a caveat: the objective is to make sure customers come back again.

So, an investment in daily deals sites needs to be long-term. Think of what you can offer that won’t put your company under, and that you can also upsell.

To illustrate: if you run a nail salon, you might offer a deal of $25 for a $50 pedicure. When the customer redeems their deal, then you might ask them if they would like a manicure, as well, or even a massage.

You’re now getting more local clientele in the door, but you must also get them to purchase products and services, in addition, to your deals. This is how you keep them coming back with or without a deal. In fact, the deal is just the icing on the cake—they should like your other services too.

But, for local deals’ advertising to work, you must put your offers up for at least three months. Consumers don’t always buy from the first advertisement they see. They take time to consider their choices and budget.

Consequently, if they see your company on a consistent basis, they start to trust your company. And, trust leads to sales.

  1. Facebook ads targeting a specific region and audience

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If you want to boost your hyperlocal marketing efforts, then Facebook is the place to be. As of Q4 2017, Facebook reported 2.13 billion monthly active users. Certainly, there will be quite a few users who live within your local community.

In 2014, Facebook launched their hyperlocal advertising feature. So, businesses can now advertise within a mile of their location. Plus, these ads will show up on feeds and mobile phones. Facebook also has the data needed to add a boost to your hyperlocal advertising efforts.

Just type in your preferred address, radius, age range, message, photo and gender to get started. You can even include directions that will launch a map.

As a result, you can drive more foot traffic to your business. Since many users allow Facebook to track them by their IP address, they can see your business ad pop up when they’re in your area.

For instance, a Facebook user might have just finished breakfast. Now, they want to go shopping. They just pull up their Facebook app for a nearby retailer. They make their decision without having to do a search.

Just remember to have a specific goal for your hyperlocal Facebook ads. This way, you can measure your results accurately.

  1. Get employee buy-in

Advertising is a team effort, and this includes buy-in from your employees. It’s not always easy to get your employees on board with a new idea. The goal is to convey the benefits. In terms of hyperlocal advertising, start by listening.

Ask for their feedback on how to get more local business. They are the first line in the company so, they see and hear customer suggestions all day long.

After getting their feedback, it’s time to help them feel more connected to your new initiative. Perhaps they live in the community too so, they would like to serve more locals anyway.

Also, let them know that when they provide excellent customer service, it improves their reputation in the community. Furthermore, local customers can be quite generous. When they know they’re patronizing a business that hires locals, they may be more inclined to give good tips and reviews.

So, emphasize that hyperlocal advertising helps to not only improve their reputation but may also affect their paychecks. Then, once you start your campaigns, make sure everyone understands the where, the what and the how of your advertising.

  1. Set the right marketing expectations

If you fail to set the wrong expectations, you might confuse your target market and, also, miscalculate your campaigns. What’s more is you might doubt yourself. So, it’s imperative to set the right expectations from the beginning.

When planning your hyperlocal marketing campaign, you need to give it time before you connect with your target audience. So, set a timeline.

Also, figure out how many leads you can realistically expect from your campaigns. It’s critical to be realistic.

After you’ve configured your expectations, don’t think of them too much during the first few weeks. During this time, you should measure results, and tweak where necessary. Speaking of measurements, another key facet of successful marketing campaigns is A/B testing. You can test anything including:

  • Headlines
  • Colors
  • Graphics and image
  • Calls to action
  • Product descriptions

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From your results, you can then combine all the most successful segments into powerful marketing materials.

  1. Begin with content rooted in the localized area

Your business will grow quickly if you take the time to understand your target audience. The first question to answer is: who would pay for your products? What types of problems do your products or services solve?

Imagine that potential market has a problem. How does your product or service solve that problem?

You should also study your previous customers. What are their demographics, in terms of age, location, and even job roles?

Moreover, it’s important not to make any assumptions. You might think you know your audience, but it makes sense to work with actual statistics and data. Once you truly understand your local audience, you can then customize your offerings based on their tastes.

If you don’t live in the area, it helps to work with someone who lives in and understands the region. If you run a global business, this helps to humanize your various locations to the local audience. For example, if you have an American-based business that wants to expand in Asia, then it helps to have a local partner who understands the local tastes, customs, expectations, and traditions.

  1. Paid Search Targeting within a Radius or Zip Codes

    Geo-Targeted Mobile Display Performance (Secondary Action Rates) (PRNewsFoto/Local Search Association)

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Paid search targeting by zip code or radius is so specific that you can drill down and target any area of your choice. This hyperlocal marketing strategy helps you to become locally relevant. It doesn’t matter if you are a small or large business, it pays off to be relevant within your local market.

With radius-targeting, you can set a 1-mile perimeter around your location and reach your targeted consumers within that radius. The same is true of zip codes. You can also target consumers based on their walking distance from your location.

If you have an area you would like to focus on, you can create ads that are only seen by consumers in that specific location. Through paid search targeting, you can also identify the audience you would like to convert into paying customers.

After you have set up your campaigns, you can also measure your performance by zip code. Based on your results, you might consider spending more in areas that are performing well.

Fortunately, according to the Local Search Association (LSA), 70 percent of customers don’t mind sharing their location information if they get loyalty rewards in return.

  1. Optimize your mobile site/app

Since mobile has surpassed PC usage, it makes sense to optimize your mobile site or app for local usage. The first step is to highlight your brand in the app name. You can do this by using your brand name as a link anchor text. You also want to include the download page URL.

You’ll also want to make sure your website is linked to your app page. Business owners often forget to include links to their website. For hyperlocal marketing, you should build a dedicated landing page for that local market. Furthermore, always include your address.

  1. Forge partnerships with noncompeting businesses

An overlooked opportunity is the potential for leads you will get by partnering with a non-competing business. This is one of the fastest ways to get new sales opportunities, especially if your new business partner already has ties to your local market. Through research, you can formulate the types of non-competing businesses that would make the most sense for a partnership.

Once the non-competing business is on board, take time to create shared and targeted advertising content. Set up events that allow each partner to present their products and services. You can even pool your resources together to accumulate a larger advertising spend.

  1. Collaborate with local charities

People want to be associated with businesses who give back. Partnering with a charity helps to market your business, while also supporting a worthy cause. The good news is many charities understand the marketing opportunities and are willing to help.

The objective is to choose the right charity. It helps to find one that you believe in. As a result, you will be more excited to give your time and resources. On the business side, you also want to select a charity that will give you better exposure within your chosen market.

Adding your business name to a local charitable cause will help to maximize your hyperlocal marketing efforts. If the cause is high-profile enough, you may even attract local media. You can also ask your charity to make mention of your support in their marketing efforts.

  1. Host a local contest

Contests should always be part of your hyperlocal advertising strategy. These will help to better engage your local audience. You will also increase the number of consumers who interact with your brand, not to mention, you can collect a lot of data from contests.

Consumers are usually willing to share their demographic data in the entry process. Just remember to ask relevant questions.

Contests also extend your reach as your fans spread the word. Think of how you’ve shared contests with your friends and family on your social media pages.

If you add a “share for additional entries” option, social media can help take your marketing efforts to the next level. Just make sure to research local regulations to ensure your contest is legal.

  1. Get creative with advertising

It is critical to note that hyperlocal marketing extends beyond the digital landscape. Think of using some of the more old-fashioned methods of advertising from unique signage to billboards to community-based magazines and flyers. Hyperlocal advertising helps you to become more strategic about your advertising spend and focus only on the most profitable channels.

Sponsoring a local sports team is another way to extend your reach within the local community. The team’s supporters should be part of your target audience. When you deliver effective marketing messages, you can convert the team’s fans into your own customers.

If your goal is to increase brand awareness, then you can easily measure success. An example of a company that takes sports marketing to the next level is Red Bull.

There was a time when Red Bull was just another beverage at the grocery store. Today, it is one of the world’s most popular energy drinks after Red Bull started sponsoring and giving away drinks at sporting events.

  1. Provide an excellent in-store experience

If you walk around any street, you’ll notice almost every brick-and-mortar store offers free Wi-Fi. This is an offering that can attract local customers you’ve never had before. Today, many consumers are used to traveling and venturing out alone to local cafes, pubs, restaurants and stores.

In addition, people often want to multi-task while they enjoy browsing the Internet, eating something or sipping on a hot cup of soothing coffee. So, they need Wi-Fi.

By providing free Wi-Fi, you extend your hospitality and customer service to new clientele. People who need to check email might stop in, and then, decide to purchase one of your products or services too.

But, there’s more to it than that. You can also configure your Wi-Fi service to require an email address for access.

This way, you can acquire basic details of your new customers. Most customers will provide this information without issue, in exchange for free Wi-Fi.

Since free Wi-Fi is pretty much offered everywhere from hotels to libraries, and city centers, you are simply reaching your customer’s expectations. In addition to offering a value for the money, good service, and high-quality products, free Wi-Fi also helps your business to stand out.

Here is another option: if you run a restaurant, then you can attract more local business with a prominent and versatile menu. People like to look at menus and prices before they enter a restaurant. This is part of the online trend where consumers prefer to execute their own research before selecting a place to eat.

When they’re walking by your establishment, you should have a large menu available out front–with the correct prices. This can attract more local customers because they will see menu items they didn’t know you had and will be able to see if they have the budget for it. Some customers won’t walk into a restaurant until they know they can afford the meal they want.

It’s also important to consider the theory called the “paradox of choice.” This theory states that we feel more anxiety when we have more options. Try limiting the options to seven appetizers, seven entrees, and seven dessert choices.

One thing modern consumers don’t want to do is to wait. We live in an instant gratification world. We can get anything we want with a few taps and a swipe.

So, waiting in line, is not something consumers have the patience for–especially if they are new customers. Several ways you can improve your wait times are to:

  • Search for the congestion points
  • Study your processes from the front end to check out
  • Offer opportunities for self-service
  • Consider customer expectations
  • Under promise and over deliver (if you have a 20-minute wait time, tell your customers the wait time is 30 minutes)

When it comes to self-service, this study by Steven Van Belleghem and SSI discovered that 40 percent of respondents prefer a self-service option. Think of how restaurants and grocery stores have successfully incorporated self-service options such as self-checkout and food payment kiosks and replicate that service.

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Today’s consumer is comfortable with technology and convenience. For the most part, customers want a quick in-and-out experience.

It’s also important to keep your delivery promises. If your customer expects to wait no more than 30 minutes for food, make sure you deliver. And remember, that will be their expectation moving forward.

If you have served your customers in under 10 minutes, they will expect that timeframe on each visit. Nonetheless, managing customer expectations and shortening wait times can go a long way in improving your overall customer service.

  1. Local targeting with SEO

Any business that wants to serve local clients should implement local targeting with SEO. This means you must think about factors such as:

  • Links
  • Social media
  • Indexing
  • Local pages

You also need to claim your local profile on Google–and other platforms–to show up for localized results. Another important facet is an online citation that uses your company’s name, phone number, and address all on the same page. You will also need a lot of good reviews on your Google Places page.

It’s worth noting that Google has made the move towards favoring newer and smaller businesses. After the Pigeon update in 2014, all signs point to Google placing a higher priority on local searches.

Google wants to give people unique and individualized results. In terms results, geographic location and search history affect results.

Since users are demanding even more personalized results, the significance of local targeting with SEO will only grow more prominent. Most mobile searches are made while on the go which means location-based searches are becoming more popular.

Searches and results are also getting hyper-specific. This is why you need to target with local SEO. Getting hyperlocal is the key. The fact that mobile search has surpassed desktop search only confirms this fact. Regardless of your business size, you will need to market to smaller niches in order to stay relevant.

  1. Create a specific landing page for each business location

For effective hyperlocal advertising, it is important to have your landing page rank for every location of your business. With unique landing pages, you improve your rankings and may get picked up as a cited website by Google Maps.

Image source

Without a landing page for each local location, your business won’t rank naturally for location-specific queries. However, this doesn’t mean you have to create 50 landing pages.

Think of the areas you want to target and focus on those first. You can link to these landing pages on your main website with a header such as “Locations.”

Usually, consumers will search for a service and a city. Not to mention, Google will localize results based on device location. If you want to show up for “hair salons in Raleigh,” you need to have a local landing page that would be relevant to that query.

  1. Add structured data markup to the appropriate web pages

Google crawlers want to understand your website. If you have structured data markup, you give Google crawlers information they wouldn’t have had previously. Structured data connects all the data points of your website.

Structured data markup also offers rich snippets so that your pages look better on Google search. When someone does a search, a rich snippet provides a small preview of matching information on your site. So, rich snippets give your site a bit more pop, which helps your business to stand out within your local market.

You can only rank on the first page of Google search results if you incorporate structured data markup.

Image source

To implement structured data markup, you need to understand both Java and microdata. If you don’t quite comprehend the basics of programming, there is hope. Google offers a structured data markup helper. Here’s how to use it:

  • Sign in to your Google account
  • Select Add Structured Data Markup to a web page or email
  • Choose your data type
  • Paste in the URL of your web page
  • Choose Data and determine the type
  • Click on “Create HTML”
  • Download and test

Once you have implemented structured data markup, search engines will now have a better understanding of your content–especially for local search queries


Hyperlocal marketing and advertising plays a critical role in creating targeted campaigns. In addition, customers will respond better when they feel connected to your advertisements.

As a result, you drive both growth and ROI. You might have to think outside the box, but the pay-off is worth it–especially if you want to improve your local client base.

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Digital Marketing News: More Constantly Online, Google’s Digital Graffiti, AI’s Big Data Push

Roughly one in four Americans is online ‘constantly’ according to new Pew Research Center survey data.

Roughly One in Four Americans is Online ‘Constantly’
More than a quarter of U.S. adults consider themselves online “almost constantly” according to survey data recently released by the Pew Research Center, a figure that jumps to nearly 39 percent for younger people in the 18-to-29-year-old age group, and Kurt Wagner looks closely at some of the survey’s fascinating statistics. Recode

Facebook Introduces ‘Store Sales Optimization’ and Other Ad Improvements for Retailers
Facebook has added three new options for retailers, announcing its expanded store sales optimization, tabs for Canvas, and product categories for dynamic ads, all aimed at improving mobile and offline conversions. Greg Sterling takes a look at some of the details. Marketing Land

Twitter to Prohibit Range of Cryptocurrency Ads
Sky News reports that Twitter has plans to eventually ban advertisements for cryptocurrencies, token sales, and initial coin offerings (ICOs), in a move that would follow similar policies implemented by both Facebook and Google this year. Sky News

Data Suggests Surprising Shift: Duopoly Not All-Powerful – Amazon and Snapchat Are Experiencing Faster Growth
Amazon and Snapchat are among the firms making faster-than-expected gains into Facebook and Google’s substantial shares of digital ad spending, according to new data. eMarketer

An AI-Driven Big Data Catalog Will Impact B2B Sales — And It’s Closer Than You Think
Combining artificial intelligence with big data can be an unbeatable approach to B2B marketing, and Larry Myler takes an in-depth look at this powerhouse combo. Forbes

Programmatic Adtech for B2B Marketers
Investment in programmatic adtech among B2B advertisers has increased due to better predictive analytics and attribution and advancements in data management, and Chitra Iyer examines six reasons why. MarTech Advisor

Advertisers Can Now Target Quora Users Via Their Email Address
Question-and-answer service Quora has added a feature allowing marketers to target its users by e-mail, with its new List Match Audience update announced recently, expanding on the firm’s advertising platform. Jess Nelson has details. MediaPost

Pinterest Expands Shopping Ads For Retailers
After graduating from a pilot program, Pinterest is rolling out its “Shopping Ads” advertising platform, bringing more ad types and campaign management features to retailers in the comiung months. Product catalogs and showcase items that can be shown in context are among the program’s new offerings. AdAge

Google’s New Experiment Lets You Tag Digital Graffiti In The Real World
With the release of an experimental app called Just a Line, Google has made it possible to create and tag 3D graffiti in augmented reality, paving the way for some potential creative marketing uses. FastCoDesign

Facebook Pilots Program to Help Creators Build Advertiser Relationships & Drive Fan Engagement
A new Facebook pilot initiative that hopes to both drive fan engagement and boost revenue for creators has been announced, allowing an “In App Purchase” label in the App Store and on Google Play. Marketing Land


The Customer Journey
Take a look at mapping the customer journey – Marketoonist

How a Copywriter’s Amazing Tribute to Sprite Got Him Hired at W+K – AdWeek

How brands have used satire in advertising – Econsultancy


  • Lee Odden – Interview with Lee Odden, Pubcon Florida 2018 Keynote — Pubcon
  • Alex Rynne of LinkedIin (client) and Lee Odden – B2BMX 2018 – THE B2B Marketing event that helps you define your voice – Netline
  • Lee Odden – The Evolution of Influencer Marketing: A #CMWorld Chat with Lee Odden – Content Marketing Institute
  • Lee Odden – How to Tame Agency Work Chaos – Workfront
  • Lee Odden – Winning B2B marketing campaigns — LinkedIn Pulse
  • Lee Odden – 20 Inspiring Digital Marketing Experts That You Need to Know — Vbout
  • Lee Odden – 9 Business Experts You Should Be Following on Facebook — AllBusiness

Be sure to check in next week, when we’ll be sharing all new marketing news stories, or you can follow us at @toprank on Twitter for even more timely daily news. Also, don’t miss the full video summary on our TopRank Marketing TV YouTube Channel.

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© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2018. | Digital Marketing News: More Constantly Online, Google’s Digital Graffiti, AI’s Big Data Push |

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Wednesday 21 March 2018

54 Artificial Intelligence Powered Marketing Tools

AI Powered Marketing Tools

The expression, “Marketers are data rich and insight poor” is more true today than ever.

Marketers all over the world are working to optimize marketing operations and effectiveness using their abundance of data. Many are turning to tools and platforms powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning. AI promises to make sense of all the dark data companies are sitting on as well as structured and unstructured data online to surface insights about customer behaviors, opportunistic content and emotional triggers to inspire conversions.

In an age of too many choices, increased competition for customer attention requires every advantage to optimize for reach, engagement and conversion. Marketers are using AI to automate and optimize their marketing because that’s what it will take to meet customer appetite for personalized experiences.

  • In a study by Smart Insights, AI and Machine Learning were rated the #3 marketing activity that will make the largest commercial impact on business in 2018.
  • Another study by Salesforce found that high-performing marketing teams are more than 2 times as likely to use AI in their campaigns than under-performers.

What are marketers doing with AI? Areas of focus include advertising automation and optimization, chat bots for service and assisting in sales, and content personalization to name a few.

Chat apps and bots are increasingly being used beyond light customer service to engage customers during the sales process. In fact, 1.82 billion people worldwide are projected to use a chat app in 2018 and by 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationship with the enterprise without interacting with a human.

Make no mistake, the artificial intelligence platform market is growing fast: it’s estimated to be worth $9.88 billion by 2022.

As Josh Nite mentioned in his recent post, “This changes everything. AI is transforming digital marketing.” From A to Z and then some, here are 54 tools that leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to make your marketing smarter, more efficient and effective.

Acquisio Turing – A set of 30 high frequency predictive algorithms working together to ingest search marketing campaign data across platforms. Data such as seasonality, times of day, times of week, location, positioning, ad platform, campaign and others enable the platform to self-learn and make smart bid and budget decisions in real-time. @acquisio

Acrolinx – Built on an advanced linguistic analytics engine, this software platform “reads” content and guides writers to make it better. @Acrolinx

Albert – An autonomous platform that uses AI: predictive analytics, machine learning, natural language processing and other proprietary algorithms to execute seamlessly across all channels, paid and non-paid, including email, mobile, social, search and display. @albertaimktg

Atomic Reach – Delivers a deep understanding of what makes your content perform and how to perfect it. @Atomic_Reach

Automat -AI and machine-learning technology that helps brands deliver messaging experiences that are tailor made for each individual consumer and dynamically optimizes conversion for the best results. @automat_inc

Bloomreach – An open and intelligent platform for businesses to build, extend, personalize, analyze, test and optimize their digital experiences across all channels. @bloomreachinc

Boost Linquistics – AI-powered platform for your team to drive revenue by personalizing search and browse experiences at scale and AI to improve site structure, content, and landing pages, maximizing SEO at scale and driving traffic. @boost_ling

CaliberMind – Connects, unlocks, and activates data to help high-growth B2B SaaS organizations to acquire new buyers, grow revenue, and improve the customer experience. @calibermind

CONCURED – Uses AI to analyze people’s behavior towards content at scale in order to prescribe what you should create next to maximize engagement and ROI. @concured

Conversica – AI Sales Assistant helps companies find and secure customers more quickly and efficiently by automatically contacting, engaging, qualifying and following up with leads via natural, multi-channel, two-way conversations. @myconversica

CORTEX – A social media content optimization platform for marketers and agencies to continuously improve post engagement. @meetcortex

Crayon – Market and competitive intelligence tools to track, analyze, and act on everything happening outside of the four walls of your business. @Crayon

Datorama – One Platform for all marketing data, investments, KPIs, and decisions to connect data, report across channels and campaigns, and surface the right insights instantly. @Datorama

Demandbase ABM – A comprehensive set of ABM solutions driven by artificial intelligence: platform, targeting, engagement, conversion. @Demandbase

Drift – A conversational marketing and sales platform (chatbot) that connects your business with the best leads in real-time. Like a virtual assistant for your website, Drift lets you turn any conversation into a conversion. @drift

Emarsys – Understand each contact as an individual customer and execute highly personalized campaigns at scale with AI solutions. @emarsys

FindTheRipple – The AI-driven platform supporting marketers in creating content with impact, finding untapped trends and resonating digital assets for target audiences. @findtheripple

Genie – AI-powered recommendation engine from Grey Jean Technologies that provides accurate predictions of consumer purchase behavior. @getgenie

Google Cloud AI – Build chat bots, do analysis of video, images and text. @gcpcloud

HubSpot – Content Strategy Tool helps marketers discover and validate new content ideas that perform well. @hubspot

IBM Watson – Cognitive marketing platform that provides journey pattern analysis, real-time personalization, marketing insights, weather effects and cognitive tagging. @IBMforMarketing

Idio – Demand Orchestration platform that learns from each interaction to improve engagement and accelerate demand at large B2B enterprises. Automates 1:1 engagement with target accounts, at scale & across all digital channels. @idioplatform

Intellyo – The Creator Engine leverages machine learning and data-driven analytics to automatically tell you which actions to take to build quality into your content. Features include topic research, workflow management, content quality analyzer and customizable service integrations. @intellyo

Invoca – Enables granular campaign attribution to understand why customers are calling, gain real-time intelligence about who’s calling and analyze what’s being said in conversations. @invoca

Jetlore – Artificial intelligence-powered “learning to rank” technology that helps retailers build stronger customer loyalty, higher conversions and increased revenues. @Jetlore

KYNDI – Explainable Artificial Intelligence platform for government, financial services, and healthcare with AI products that analyze massive amounts of data, making organizations and people 100X smarter, 100X faster. @kynditech

Lexalytics – Text Analytics & Survey Analysis with customizable Sentiment Analysis, Categorization & Named Entity Extraction. Platform leverages machine learning, artificial intelligence and natural language processing to allow enterprises to create custom analytics solutions to address their unique data problems. @lexalytics

LiftIgniter – Machine learning personalization recommendation and discovery engine enables every website and app to have a 1:1 “conversation” with users. @liftigniter

Lucy – Solution from Equals 3 powered by Watson. Lucy delivers insightful conclusions, refined segmentation analysis, killer marketing plans, and world-conquering media strategies. @equals3ai

Market Brew – Artificial Intelligence Platform for SEO Teams. @mktbrew

MarketMuse – AI-powered research assistant that accelerates content creation and optimization so you can win in organic search. @MarketMuseCo

Motiva AI – Learns to adapt your messaging to customers automatically and delivers better engagement, at any scale. @MotivaHQ

Nudge – Access new accounts, analyze deal risk, and measure account health – powered by relationship intelligence. @nudgeai

Onespot – Technology platform for personalizing content marketing across digital channels. @onespot

Oribi – Simplifies analytics to enable marketing and product teams to get valuable data without any help from developers. @getoribi

PaveAI – Turns Google Analytics data in actionable insights + reports with our data science AI algorithm. @paveai

Path – An intelligent messaging platform that helps businesses generate more leads, close sales faster, and improve client service. @chat_path – Automatically capture all sales activity to drive intelligent sales management and marketing insights. @ppl_ai

Persado – AI generated language that resonates the most with any audience, segment or individual. @persado

Phrasee – Enterprise marketing solution that uses artificial intelligence to generate brand compliant marketing language on a client-to-client basis. @phrasee

Quill by Narrative Science – Powered by Advanced Natural Language Generation, Quill is an intent-driven system that automatically transforms data into Intelligent Narratives at scale, in conversational language anyone can understand. @narrativesci

Rocco – AI powered social media marketing agent that will suggest fresh content that your followers are likely to engage with. @Rocco_Ai

Salesforce Einstein – A layer of artificial intelligence that delivers predictions and recommendations based on your unique business processes and customer data. @salesforce

Sentient Ascend – A patented AI Conversion Optimization solution that mimics biological evolution, enabling it to quickly learn, adapt and react to determine the best performing design from the building blocks you provide. @sentientdai

Smartly – Facebook and Instagram advertising automation and optimization platform with machine learning. @smartlyio

SmartKai – AI-powered assistant that manages your social media marketing. @thesmartkai

Stackla – AI-powered enterprise platform to discover, manage and display the most engaging user generated visual content across all marketing touchpoints. @stackla

The Grid – Molly, a AI-powered web design platform uses machine learning combined with constraint-based design and flow-based programming to make form dynamically adapt to content. @thegrid

Unmetric – Xia provides AI powered social media marketing insights to create compelling content. @unmetric

Vestorly – Vestorly uses artificial intelligence to build personalized touch points with news, blogs, or your own content. @vestorly

Wordsmith – Solution from Automated Insights that uses natural language generation to convert data into content. @ainsights – An artificial intelligence personal assistant who schedules meetings for users. @xdotai

Yseop – Artificial intelligence software writes and explains data in six languages using natural language generation. @YseopAI

ZetaHub – Marketing Automation powered by AI. @zetaglobal

There you have it. 50 plus tools that leverage artificial intelligence for marketing. For your convenience, I’ve made a list of all Twitter accounts on this AI Marketing Tools list here, in case you want to follow the category easily.

Whether you’re trying to get more out of existing marketing software like analytics or automate content generation or boost your ability to understand customer behavior for better personalization, there’s a tool or platform for you.

At the same time, very few of these AI powered marketing solutions are “set it and forget it”.  They still need humans for optimal performance. That’s why I like the expression “Augmented Intelligence” as a reflection of how people and technology can work together for more optimized marketing. And when it comes to marketing people, I don’t know any better than the team I get work with at TopRank Marketing.

What AI powered marketing tools did I miss? Which do you use? Please share in the comments.

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Monday 19 March 2018

3 Reasons B2B Marketers Need Optimized & Influencer Activated Content

B2B content optimized influencer activated

We’ve all read the headlines about the death of organic social media and BuzzSumo’s recent report on the huge drop in social sharing reinforces the news that the free for all days of social media are coming to a close. Add to that the distrust of branded content and advertising and it’s easy to see that marketers need to rethink their approach.

If buyers are not engaging with brand social media and content, then where is their attention?

This is not a new question and the way we’ve been finding the answer is through insights about buyer preferences for solutions content: discovery, consumption and action.

The Customer Information Journey. Buyers pulling themselves through the majority of the research process for finding solutions do so with content. But where do they discover that content? What are their preferences for content types, topics and platforms for consumption? What sources do they trust? Of equal importance is what signals of credibility produce the confidence to inspire action within that content?

Customer Empathy. As B2B marketers are faced with an ever growing list of demands for content and channels, empathy with the customer experience is more important now than ever. What’s also important are the solutions for attracting, engaging and inspiring action that actually work.

Optimized And Influencer Activated Content. At TopRank Marketing we are fortunate to work with an innovative team and brave clients that trust our advice on how to optimize B2B buyer experiences. By leveraging integrated SEO, Content and Influencer programs, we’ve been able to achieve marketing performance results like 550% more leads and generating 22% of all new revenue for the year from a single integrated content program.

To help marketers make the shift from dead end social media and brand-centric content that buyers don’t turst, here are 3 reasons why now is the time for B2B brands to capitalize on content optimized for search and influence:

1. Keywords are King:

Ignoring social and brand content means paying attention to something else. It comes down to trust and credibility. At every stage of the buying cycle from awareness to consideration to purchase, buyers use search engines to find solution content.

WIth everyone on the content marketing bandwagon, many B2B marketers are so focused on creating content they’re not allocating much more than an afterthought of paid social and ads to content promotion.

With content optimized for the solutions information and keywords that buyers are looking for, B2B brands can be useful at the very moment of need. That kind of credibility is what drives confidence, engagement and action.

The challenge: Is your content optimized for specific solutions keywords? Have you done the homework to find out if those are the keywords buyers are using? That are in demand? Are you creating topical hub and spoke content for focused internal linking that drives organic search visibility?

2. Influence is Queen:

B2B marketing industry research shows buyers trust peers and experts more than advertising. Whether it’s a question to an expert in a forum or reading expert advice in an industry publication, B2B buyers seek useful information from credible sources.

B2B brands are still behind when it comes to engaging influencers to add expertise and credibility to content. Our research with Traackr and Altimeter found that only 11% of B2B companies have ongoing influencer programs vs. 48% of B2C companies. B2B content without influencer contributions is like eating a baked potato plain. Boring! Including influencer contributions to B2B content is like adding your favorite toppings (salt, butter or sour cream) to that potato.

The challenge: Who are your brand’s influencers? Who is actively evangelizing your products or services? Which influencers could really make a difference for your marketing if they were associated with your brand? What are you doing to build quality, ongoing relationships with industry experts?

3. Activate Influencers & Optimize for Search:

When content programs leverage keyword research to optimize content and use those same keywords to help identify credible industry experts to contribute to that optimized content, it creates information that is both trusted and credible.

Many B2B brands do optimize their content for customer focused keywords. Others are moving from experiments to ongoing influencer programs. B2B brands that integrate both SEO and influence create a compelling opportunity to be found when it matters and to be trusted when it matters more.

The challenge: Are you leveraging your keyword research for SEO to also find influencers that are relevant for the same topics? Are you engaging those influencers to co-create content on those topics? Are you inspiring the influencers to publish keyword rich content on their websites linking back to your brand? Are those influencers also engaged for earned media in industry publications and blogs on target topics with links back to your brand?

With an understanding of keyword demand, B2B marketers can tap into the opportunity to be the best answer for buyers with content at the very moment of need. Even better is that influencer contributions to that optimized content will give it the credibility and engagement needed to inspire action.

Here are a few steps to get started:

  1. Identify top, relevant search keywords
  2. Create hub and spoke content architecture (big topic & derivatives)
  3. Map keywords to to content
  4. Keyword optimize content + links
  5. Leverage keywords to identify & recruit relevant influencers
  6. Ask influencers keyword rich questions
  7. Incorporate influencer contributions in mapped content
  8. Encourage influencer promotion and linking to content
  9. Implement media and blogger relations using influencer content
  10. Repurpose content according to best performing keywords/influencers

You can go a lot deeper than this and there are a number of sub-steps, but this list should provide a good overview. Of course we specialize in B2B programs that integrate SEO, content and influencers, so feel free to check out our influencer content marketing case studies for inspiration.

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