Wednesday 16 December 2015

The One Major Reason W3 Total Cache Is Still Worth It for Your Business

Back in 2013 we wrote about whether or not a cache plugin will help your SEO here, and almost there years later it seems that the WordPress W3 total cache plugin may have a monopoly on the different plugins out there. It’s still the most popular, but unfortunately the idea of a cache plugin in general hasn’t grown in popularity much over the last three years. It’s still incredibly important to a good online strategy for any business, so consider why the W3 total cache is a good choice and why it really matters in the first place below.

3 Benefits of the W3 Total Cache Plugin for Your Website

For those who are unfamiliar, a cache plugin is all about the speed of your website. It’s important that your pages load quickly because according to KISSMetrics, 79% of people will hit the back button and try another website if your pages don’t load in 3 seconds or less. The term “cache” refers to when a copy of your webpage is made in HTML and then stored on your hosting server so that it (the webpage) can more quickly be shown to visitors.

If you don’t use a cache plugin your pages are still getting cached so visitors can see your webpages in the first place, they just aren’t being saved so it takes longer. If you use a cache plugin, then that means those who have already visited that webpage will not have to re-run, or copy, queries again.

There are a lot of ways to test and improve the speed of your website, which you can learn more about here, but many of the tools (such as PageSpeed Insights) will actually outright let you know if you need cache help. Every business can benefit so a cache plugin should be used regardless, but if you’ve seen that suggestion before then look no further. Consider what W3 Total Cache can do you for business and what makes it unique below:

  • Of course the plugin will cache all webpages and their content, including CSS and JavaScript, search results feeds, database objects, and browser caching.
  • It will minimize what is on your pages to help things run faster. For example, if your posts and pages have extra whitespace and/or comments, the plugin will combine CSS files into one single request.
  • Mobile, CDN, and WP-CLI support and integration.

According to a Search Engine People article, you also want to remember that this should be your only cache plugin installed. If you have another installed, you will want to disable that and then install and activate W3 Total Cache. You also want to make sure that you have enough memory reserved for your cache because it is a powerful plugin. For most businesses, however, this shouldn’t be a problem.

Major sites such as Smashing Magazine, Mashable, and Matt Cutts’ own blog all use this plugin. A few other plugins that are still popular in 2015 if you don’t like W3 Total Cache include Super Cache, Quick Cache, or Hyper Cache. Once you give it a try, let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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