Thursday 4 August 2016

5 Easy Ways to Get the Most out of Pinterest


Pinterest is an E-commerce giant. The shelf life of a single pin is far greater than that of a tweet or Facebook post, making it an ideal avenue for reaching consumers. Moreover, it’s a major point of inspiration, exploration, and exposure. Users on Pinterest are naturally open to seeing, interacting with, and archiving all kinds of content.

Despite boasting an impressive 1.65 billion active users, there are still many businesses that haven’t yet made sense of using Pinterest for profit. The platform can sometimes come across as an intimidating platform of frilly indulgences, when it’s actually the golden goose of free marketing for businesses. Here’s how you can get the most of Pinterest and cash in on the platform’s $11 billion value.

  1. Connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts to your Pinterest profile.

Pinterest is a platform that blends very naturally into others. Pay-per-click advertising and branding practices have made social media platforms promising avenues of e-commerce. Connecting your Facebook and Twitter profiles to your Pinterest page will increase overall brand visibility, while also showing that you have contributions to the culture and musings of your industry.

  1. Make your web content Pinnable.

Almost every brand has a content marketing strategy that populates their website with helpful visuals and articles. As long and you’re providing that content, make sure your visitors can Pin it so they can easily save the ideas, products, or information for later reference. Adding Pinterest widgets to your website makes it easy for users to quickly pin the content they want and continue browsing through your pages.

  1. Keep an eye on your Pinterest profile analytics.

Tracking your success and understanding what works/what doesn’t work is hard to do without referencing some concrete data about viewers.  With that information built into Pinterest Analytics, you can see everything from which boards are performing the best to the kind of devices people are pinning on. Using the analytics provided, you can strategically base future pins and promoted content around that information.

  1. Theme your boards to complement user/industry insights.

To get the most out of Pinterest, users have to see you as a fellow Pinner and resource of information that’s valuable to them. Theming your boards to reflect the interests of your users allows you to not only archive images, articles, and links that reflect the trends and interests of your audience, but it also gives you a clear way to engage with your users. By seeing and contributing to what they’re Pinning, you can gain insights to help steer the direction of your business.

  1. Utilize rich Pins (but not too much).

Rich Pins are hugely successful for businesses and brands on Pinterest. In short, it’s a Pin that includes extra information right on the Pin itself, which allows the user to see more details without being redirected to another page after clicking the link. You’ve probably seen several rich Pins that include a photo and a full recipe right there on the Pin.  There are currently six different kinds of rich Pins (Apps, Places, Articles, Products, Recipes, Movies) and you can get started by adding the necessary information to your website meta tags. It’s important not to make every Pin a Rich Pin. Use these strategically and in ways that will inspire the most engagement while serving the most utility.

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